Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Strength of My Heart



The Strength of My Heart


This year has certainly been unlike any other. It started out like a normal year, but three months in, things started to unravel. Just turn on the news or scroll through social media to see how messed up matters are in this world right now. Negative news. Events cancelled. The list goes on. All of this can make the lows in our personal lives seem even worse.

Recently there’s been a few lows in our lives personally including the passing of a good friend and also of a former coworker of mine. We know others recently who have also had to say good-bye to loved ones. A few other disappointments and stresses can bring one down—or make them go lower.

Several verses from Psalm 73 were read at our friend’s funeral. It is a passage that I am familiar with but have forgotten about. These two verses in particular seemed to jump off the page at me. I so needed this reminder. My heart may fail or be low, life may be discouraging. But God is the strength of my heart. He is the one I should be focused on and He is the source of true happiness and peace needed to get through the days that are not so good. He is the strength of my heart.

A Clock in a Barn?

 Drove past this slightly unusual addition to a barn. First time I have seen a clock in a barn wall like this.







Barn 09-27-2020


Blue Barn





Tuesday, September 8, 2020



You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3


This is Tucker. He is a sweet kitty who was a stray that “adopted” us. We figure that he was a stray for at least a year or two before he found us. Tucker is a “don’t fence me in” kind of cat. He loves being outside to play, hunt and roam the fields around our home. We usually allow him to be outside during the day when we are home. Living where we do, there are a few animals such as coyotes and raccoons that could hurt him. He was attacked once last year and thankfully was okay. We would rather he be safe inside at night.

If the weather is bad or if we know storms are approaching, we will keep him inside. He really does not agree with this. He sits at the door and meows. He comes up to me to try and plead his case for being let outside. I tell him why he can’t go outside but he doesn’t really listen. I try to explain that I can see on the radar storms approaching and that he’s better off inside instead of outside trying to stay dry in the cornfield.

Tucker thinks he knows best. He wants to go outside and chase mice and trot through the fields. But I know that if he goes out at certain times, it could be harmful to him. When I took this photo of him this afternoon, he was trying to convince me to let him out.

How many times to I pray or hope for something and think I know the best outcome? There are times that what I had planned didn’t exactly end up how I thought it would be. Sometimes, after awhile, I realize why God said no or wait. There are times I don’t know why and probably won’t know this side of Heaven. I have to remember that I don’t see the whole picture like God does. His ways aren’t my ways and His thoughts not mine.

I’m responsible for Tucker’s wellbeing. I love this sweet kitty and take care of him. And by taking care of him that means keeping him inside the house when I know it’s not safe. He, as much as a cat can, needs to just trust that I know what I’m doing. And like Tucker, I need to trust that God knows what He is doing in my life. He sees the big picture. I do not. And He loves me more than I could ever love a cat. There is peace when I trust that He knows what’s He’s doing.