Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cousins #2


Abby and Aaron #10 black and white

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #10

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #9

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #8

Abby and Aaron #7 black and white

Abby and Aaron #7

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #6

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #5

Abby and Aaron #4

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Abby and Aaron #3

Abby and Aaron #2

Abby and Aaron #1

I was not the official photographer for this wedding. My husband and I have known the bride since she was born. Have known her parents since high school. I'm kind of glad I wasn't the official photographer--too many times tears almost spilled from my eyes. Even teared up while doing the edits on the pictures I took! The photographer was also a friend of ours so I was able to just tag along and take whatever photos I wanted and also learn from my friend and her photo partner who was there.

Cindy and Andy #16

Cindy and Andy #15

Cindy and Andy #14

Cindy and Andy #13

Boys will be boys

After the wedding ceremony this pond proved to be far more interesting to these two boys than standing around listening to adults talk.

Cindy and Andy #12 special effect

Cindy and Andy #12 black and white

Cindy and Andy #12

Cindy and Andy #11

Cindy and Andy #10

Cindy and Andy #9

Cindy and Andy #8 black and white

Cindy and Andy #8

Cindy and Andy #7

Cindy and Andy #6