Monday, January 1, 2024

The Blessing Jar


One of the definitions of the word blessing is “a beneficial thing for which one is grateful; something that brings well-being.”

Several years ago, we purchased this Blessings Jar. Throughout the year we write down on slips of paper things that we are grateful for, made us happy, filled our heart, and just blessed us. On January 1 of each year, my husband and I sit down and one at a time read through these wonderful memories. Graduations and parties, weddings, seeing family and friends, filled Christmas shoeboxes, visits from family and friends were among the bigger blessings. But there were “smaller” blessings, too, such as evenings on the porch in the summer, watching hummingbirds and lighting bugs, beautiful sunsets, fall colors, the stars, and even rain.

The year 2023, not unlike every year, certainly had its share of not-so-great days. Saying goodbye to family members and friends, unexpected financial expenses, a little bit of missing “back home” from time to time, reminders of loss, and other things certainly made for some challenging days.

In everything we are to give thanks. When the sun is shining, and life is grand we are to give thanks. When the day is cloudy and life is hard, we are to give thanks. It can be difficult to do. But every day there is something to be thankful for. God is good. He provides. He loves and cares. He gives strength and grace when the days are hard. And looking back at the blessings from the past year is just a great reminder of all of this. His presence in my life, my relationship with Christ, is certainly something very beneficial and I am truly thankful. And very thankful for the many blessings He has given. 


