Sunday, January 10, 2021






Baby woodpecker being fed




Stained Glass at Summerfield United Methodist







Ceiling at the Skylight Theater in Milwaukee


Boynton Chapel, April 2018





Dash of 1960 Fury


Sunday, January 3, 2021

1960 Corvette




Glory to God

Playing with the photo box 



Joy. A noun. Definition: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

This holiday season while I was setting out our Christmas décor, I noticed how many of the festive items had the word “joy” on them. Several have the phrase “Joy to the World” or simply the single word “joy.” Obviously, I have seen these all before but for some reason that one word really stuck out to me. Maybe because of what a strange and crazy and even tough year 2020 was and this word in particular does not seem to be top on the list to describe that year. Whatever the reason, the word has stuck with me this Christmas season.

From time to time, I will post a question on my Facebook page and ask either something fun or something more thoughtful. Recently I asked how people defined joy. What brought them joy? There were several answers ranging from their kids/family members, worship, to being in church and in the presence of God. A couple of individuals said joy is Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. I was taught that when I attended a Christian elementary school.

Two other definitions posted by friends really stood out to me. “Joy is being in the center of God’s will for your life” and “the settled assurance that God is in control.”

I looked up the Biblical definition of joy. Here’s what I found: Biblical definition: Definition: Joy means an intense, ecstatic, celebrative, and/or exultant happiness or pleasure. The biblical Greek term the apostle Paul wrote about in Galatians is chara: joy, cheer, gladness, or celebration.

After finding the Biblical definition, I searched the Bible. The word joy is in Scripture over 150 times. Two verses that came to mind while contemplating all of this care James 1:2-3 “Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

Consider it a joy to have trials? That seems a little opposite of normal thinking. I’ll admit I don’t exactly have happiness or feel like celebrating when a trial or low point comes my way. But yet the Bible says we should count it all joy.

Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit that we are to have.

At Christmas time we sing joy to the world because the Lord has come.

Most everyone I’m sure is hoping that this new year is much better than this last one. And that it is full of more joy and happiness than 2020 was. But what if it isn’t? What if…(I won’t finish that…) Is it possible to still have joy even if life isn’t going as planned?

I think keeping perspective is a big key to having joy no matter what is going on. Those of us who are Christ followers know that this world is not our real home. We are just passing through. Our real home is Heaven. This life is temporary. We can have joy in our heart. We can have joy when we know we are in the center of His will for our life and know that no matter what, He’s got this. He knows the beginning and the end. We may not enjoy the trial that has come into our life. But if we keep our focus on Him, we can find joy in the midst of our circumstances.