Tuesday, March 1, 2022

What a journey--Snapshots of Faith



 What a journey we've been on, especially the past couple of years or so. Life had been fairly routine for awhile. Then November of 2019. Matt lost his job of 22 years. Then that pesky virus turned everyone's world upside down and slowed the job search. But God provided a job for Matt in June of 2020. Life was somewhat back to sort of normal for us. A year later more budget cuts meant another job loss. And another job hunt began. Again, God provided a job. But this time it meant a move 2 1/2 hours away. Wait, what? Really? That meant moving and leaving family, friends, our church and ministry, the house we liked, everything familiar, my job that I loved! Oh, and throw in to this time the loss of loved ones and friends, the craziness going on in the world, illness of a family member, and other stress causing stuff. But through it all, God has been good. Needs have been met. Prayers answered. He has provided. And today I start a new job that He provided. And in His sense of humor, the job is based in Watertown--where we moved from! I am thankful for this opportunity. Thankful that I can work remotely most of the time. Thankful that when I do need to travel back to Watertown for a day or two for the job, I have opportunities to connect with my youth group girls family and friends.
God is good. He has been our comfort, source of strength, our shelter, and provider. Praise Him for all He has done.